I discovered a wonderful book by Peter McWIlliams, "You can't afford the luxury of a negative thought: A book for people with any life-threatening illness- Including life". In one section he gives a a How to Die list It's a list of good advice to do NOW whether you are healthy or sick . Here is an excerpt:
1. Get things in order. (pay debts, give things away you don't want or need) 2. Make a will. (including a living will) 3. Say goodbye. (tell people you love them) 4. Don't spend time with people you don't want to spend time with. 5. Spend time alone. (reflect on your life, make peace with it, mourn the loss of your life. 6. Enjoy yourself. (make a list of things you want to do /see and do them!) 7. Relax. (Do nothing) 8. Pray. (Listen) 9. Enjoy each moment. (appreciate what is here and now) 10. When it is time to go, go. (let go) Peter Mc Williams was an amazing man and prolific self-published author. Check out his website and his books
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June 2018
Legal information is not legal advice. I am not a lawyer. There are still many obstacles facing Arkansas families wishing to care for their own dead. I have done my best to provide the most accurate answers to the most common questions. I will update /modify answers as needed. If you encounter information that you believe to be incorrect, please notify me so I may research the issue. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!